How To Get SEO Clients in 2023 (Fast & Easy) (Episode #28)

Anatolii Ulitovskyi, Paul Andre de Vera 184 Updated: 23.03.2022
How To Get SEO Clients in 2023 (Fast & Easy) (Episode #28)
Duration: 10:29
Believe you can because you can!
Believe you can because you can!
How To Get SEO Clients in 2023 (Fast & Easy) (Episode #28)

There are many ways of finding clients. Choose one-two from the following list:

  • Use LinkedIn. Find a list of companies that are looking for SEO specialists. You can find them in the Job tab. Analyze their requirements and leave companies with suitable conditions. Warm connections before sending the request by commenting on their posts and sharing value. Reach out to them by email and provide something that others ask for money. For example, free UX audit, texts, links, technical errors, etc.
  • Be active on social media groups on Facebook. There are a lot of clients. Help and support them for free.
  • Register on Upwork, Fiverr, and other freelance platforms.
  • Create educational content for your blog and guest posts.
  • Film videos for YouTube or social media.
  • Speak on events, broadcasts, audio podcasts.